jueves, 23 de febrero de 2017

History of Constitutions

February 5,2011 marked the 94th anniversary of the Constitution of 1917. 
On that day, Mexican President Venustiano Carranza promulgated the Constitution that still in force today in Mexico.
The foundation of the American Government, its purpose, form, and structure are in the Constitution on September 17, 1787. 

Consequences of breaking different types of laws

Depending on the crime a person has committed he or she may have broken a federal law, a state law, or both.
When minors, people under age 18, break the law, they usually apear in juvenile curt.
When an adult commits a serious crime and is arrested by police, sometimes there will be a trial, if there is enough evidence, the person is indicted.

Types of laws

The laws are designed to protect society as a whole from wrongful actions.

Civil laws:
 help to solve problems which occur between individuals or groups.

Family law:
 abuse of children, domestic violence, custody of children etc.

Contract law agreements responsibilities:
not allowed to break a contract, marriage, fishing linces or misleading advertisements.

Public order, peaceful and safe community:
drug use, public decency (sleeping on the streets), protest marches (staying non violent), assault, defamation (writing thing about people that are not true which harm their character).

lunes, 13 de febrero de 2017


Democracy started in Greece. It was flawed democracy: you couldn´nt vote if you didn´t own land, if you were a woman or a salve. I think that democracy was not perfect.

The Roman emperors were not all into democracy. They called people the plebs because that´s the sound they make when they walk over them. I think that they shouldn't have called them plebs.

In Middle Ages, power in Europe rested mainly on aristocracy, the monarch and the church. The power wasn't in the people. I think that the power needs to rest in the people.

In the nineteenth century more countries became democracies and the right to vote was expanded. All white males with citizenship and job, ages 25 and up were able to vote. I think it´s good that the right to vote was expanded.

Nineteenth century: with the advent of the Industrial Revolution, new wealth was created, and concomitantly the middle class became the harbingers of morals, the work ethic, and numerous other characteristics that have become of our fabric of society.

How democracy works in different counties

  • Democracy means "ruled by the people". Democracy is a human right.
  • Democratic countries: the citizens have a high degree of political and civil freedom.
  • Partly democratic countries: the citizens have a lower degree of political and civil freedom.
  • Non-democratic countries: the citizens have no civil freedom and the political processes and strictly controlled.
Watch the following video that shows the top 20 democratic countries in the world :

viernes, 10 de febrero de 2017

Presunto culpable (Reflection)

Toño said that he was not guilty and he didn't killed the cousin of the other guy. They took it to jail and then they give him 20 years 5 months and 18 days in the jail. I think that law sometimes is not fair.

The other guy went to visit Toño and they talked.

 Toño said that we was not guilty and the other guy said that he was and then they disscuse.

I think that law sometimes is not fair and that we can fight this by saying the truth even if ti affects you that means to be Principled. It is complicated to be principled but we need to try to do it because it is fair.

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017

What is voting?

Voting gives citizen a voice in the government, allowing them to choose leaders and decide on issues. Some elections are very close, so each vote matters in an election.
The vote is the most powerful  instrument ever devised by man for breaking down injustice.